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Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Государственная вневедомственная экспертиза проектов»    
+7 (7172) 57-44-84

Policy RSE «Gosexpertiza»

Policy RSE «Gosexpertiza» in the field of the Integrated System of Management.
Being guided by the maximal satisfaction of customers requirements to ensure that government, public and private interests favorable and safe conditions of ability to live of the person, steady functioning of projected objects of construction after their commissioning, management RSE «Gosexpertiza» assume following obligations:
1. Constantly to improve and on a regular basis to analyze the integrated system of management (ISM) corresponding requirements of the international quality standards ISO 9001:2008, environmental ISO 14001:2004, industrial health and safety OHSAS 18001:2007, information security ISO / IEC 27001:2005, and also to give necessary resources for realization of the present Policy and the purposes of State examination in the field of ISM.
2. To provide strict observance of legislative and other requirements in the field of quality of carrying out of examination, environmental, industrial health, safety in labor activity and information security, both of the enterprise, and during carrying out of a complex estimation of projects (the pre -or design-budget documentation).
3. To create all necessary conditions on maintenance of a full involvement of all personnel of the enterprise and work on constant increase of a level of professionalism and the responsibility of all collective of Gosexpertiza.
4. To aspire to minimization of negative influence on an environment from activity of the enterprise and technogenic loading from the civil-engineering designs considered by Gosexpertiza by means of identification and revealing of ecological aspects, carrying out of an estimation of possible risks and definition of a degree of their influence on an environment.
5. Constantly to improve procedures of identification of dangers, an estimation of risks and an establishment of measures of management within the limits of functioning at the enterprise of system of management of industrial health and safety.
6. Constantly to improve procedure on identification and definitions of significant ecological aspects within the limits of functioning at the enterprise of system of ecological management.
7. Constantly to raise an overall performance of the enterprise, being based on the analysis of results of activity of the enterprise and methods of a feedback with customers, with the purpose of maintenance of their full satisfaction concerning quality of carrying out of state expert appraisal of projects.
8. To provide a continuity of activity of the enterprise and management of risks of information safety, to minimize negative influence of every possible threats.
9. To provide confidentiality, availability and integrity of information actives of the enterprise.
10. To provide and improve safe operating conditions of employees of Gosexpertiza.
10. To develop and support corporate culture of the enterprise.
11. To take measures under the prevention of damages or deterioration of a state of health in the field of health protection and safety of work.
12. Continuing to develop a uniform methodological basis in the field of ISM for Gosexpertiza and its territorial divisions.